Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sweet Pea, Apple Of My Eye

I'm sure that everyone has seen that ever so precious TV commercial (I believe it's for AT&T/Cingular...can't keep it straight they change back and forth so much!) where the father takes his daughter's stuffed animal monkey on his business trip with him. While he is travelling he takes pictures of the monkey around the city's most popular locations and sends them home to his daughter...the final picture sent is the monkey on the family's mailbox, so then the little girl runs outside because she knows that her daddy is home! Well the commerical just melts your heart and playing in the background there is a catchy little tune that caught my husband's ear. He always calls me "sweet pea" anyways, so the song was fitting, and now every time the commercial comes on he sings to me..."sweet pea, apple of my eye" always brings a smile to my face! (he will probably kill me for sharing, but it was just too sweet to pass up!) :)

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