Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love This Lady...Love This Family!

So I hear that Mrs. Kate Gosselin is going to be in Houston TONIGHT!! I can't tell you how sad I am that I am not going to get to see her even though she is so so close! Jon & Kate Plus 8 are a celebrity family in our house...we look forward to their precious show coming on each week! I feel like I practically know their sweet family! any of you gals getting to see Kate......ah hem, Emily Elaine.......I want details :) She allllmost makes you want to have eight yourself...almost :)


Jen McCrady said...

i. LOVE. her!!!

p.s. i gave you a little bloggy award... no big deal :)

Kendall and Brooks said...

omg I am so jealous! I would have totally road tripped it down there!

Brittany said...

i saw them in B'ham!

I think I could handle eight :) ha!