Monday, July 14, 2008

Wobble Wobble Wobble

On Sunday morning on my way into church I had a little "incident"....much like the poor little model in the video below! You just can't help but LAUGH hysterically, but it did hurt like heck! I was prancing in on the arm of my handsome hubby in my cute little sundress and wedges (they were quite tall, and apparently dangerous too!) and then all of a sudden I got an ankle wobble...

...And I still have the swollen, slightly bruised, and painful left foot to prove it! My fall was graceful, thanks to my husband having hold of my arm (I would have been a goner without him!), but painful nonetheless! It's was so ridiculous, and when I think about the "fall" I can only picture me looking like the model in the video! I'm sure that people got a good laugh, I know I did! (in between the throbbing pain! :) haha)

(On a side note, I do have to say that I wear heels almost everyday of my life, and I'm quite good at it, but for some reason on Sunday, my shoes and the rocks that I hit hated me. Oh the things we girls go through to be fashionable, haha!)

1 comment:

Brittany said...

This video is hilarious! And by the way your mom looks awesome in those other pics! You do too! Tell everyone I said hey!