Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More Blog L-O-V-E

It's taken me a while to accept my award :)...Nat showed me some blog love and gave me the "one lovely blog award!" I am so excited and am so thankful for my faithful followers (no matter how small the following may be) :)

So now it's my turn to give out the award to those blogs that I enjoy reading every day! My choices are.......

The Stoy's Story - I love reading about your precious puppys and love seeing your photography (I not so secretly wish that I made my living being a photographer....HOW stinkin fun!)
Brittany - Love your new look! Precious
Meet The McCradys - I love reading your blog because I can so relate to most of it!
The Canadys - I love all of your pictures of your precious precious baby girl since we can't be there in person to watch her grow!

1 comment:

Kendall and Brooks said...

Awww Thanks! You are too cute!