Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trying "House Wife" On For Size

And it fits so well! :) You can get so much done when you don't have work interfering with your busy day! These last two weeks I have very much enjoyed being a little house wife and its something that I could very easily get use to! (one of these days)

So let me explain...a couple of weeks ago I was given the amazing opportunity to go and work for my dad and it was something that Drew and I jumped right on! So I gave Scott my two weeks notice and was very ready and excited to wrap up my time with Northwestern Mutual. To make long story short, after I had given my notice to Northwestern, the owner of Mohawk (my dad's company) showed up in the Dallas location and announced that he was selling the Dallas branch. Everyone was completely and utterly shocked! It was such a sad day and a day that left our family feeling very unsure of the future. But my oh my is God good!! My dad and I both had several job opportunities open up to us during the last two weeks that were nothing short of God's grace. I have accepted and am starting a job on Monday with Tenet Healthcare and my dad is starting on Monday with Daryl Flood. The Lord has provided us both wonderful opportunities that are far above and greater than where we previously were employed. He gives and takes away, He gives and takes away, my heart will choose to stay, Lord blessed be your name!

These last two weeks have been amazingly refreshing...I have very much enjoyed the time to get caught up on everything and to do the special things that I would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. This situation has reminded us to rely on the Lord always, no matter what, and that He has an amazing plan for our lives even though we may not see it at the time. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers, you all are amazing!

CHEERS to a fresh start!

Happy one year anniversary to my precious Em and Matt! (on Monday) I can't believe that you guys have already been married for a year! Love you guys so much and it is so special to see how in love you guys are! Miss you sweet Countryman's and hope to see you soon!!


The Siegel's said...

what a small world... you blog also!! and you have a penny lane design! great minds think alike!
A friend of mine talked me into blogging and penny lane did a blog design for her, I loved it and asked her to do one for me...
I will add you to mine when I figure out how to do all this stuff haha..
Looks like amazing things are going on in your life! God is good!
Best wishes!!

Friends, Romans, Countrymans said...

You are too sweet! I can't believe what all has been going on in your little life!! Oh my gosh!! I am so thankful you're in a safe situation now, and can't wait to hear all about the new job asap!