Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Anthro v. Target - Fabulous Find!

Soooo a few weeks ago I splurged and bought a shower curtain from Anthropologie that I absolutely fell in love with. I bought it KNOWING that the price that I was paying for the shower curtain was ridiculous, but I loved it so much that I bought it anyways. It came in the mail and I did LOVE it, it was fabulous and everything that I hoped that it would be! Well yesterday I was snooping around on Targets website and I found a shower curtain almost identical for a FRACTION of the price! Can you tell which is from Anthro and which is from Target? Ok well maybe a little, but certainly not enough for a $70 price difference! Goodbye Anthro, hello Target! (and a chunk of change back into my pocket!) I LOVE a great find!!!! Here's to hoping that the Target one looks fabulous in person! (Hanging onto my Anthro one juuuuuust in case, but if its as similar as I think/hope that it will be, it is going back in a heartbeat!)


Kendall and Brooks said...

omg those look identical! Great find!!!!

Brittany said...

love them both!!!! I guess because they do look so much a like. I'm just guessing the one on the left is Anthro????

I just kept walking past there the other day when I was shopping. I was refusing to pay their prices-but I do love their stuff!

aLena said...

I know which one is from Anthro just cuz I've already seen it but the Target one is definitely a great find!

They look almost identical and know one will ever know ... except us lol ;)